Sunday, September 2, 2012

The First Battle


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"Once we all made our choice, the Father’s image faded from our sight and we all, for the first time, felt his presence leave us. The strange sensation of knowing he wasn’t there with us had me worried at first, for he literally turned his back on us. Michael called out for the Father, and many of my other brothers began to cry out for their God, but I quickly wiped my tear filled eyes, and reached down deep in this body of mine and focused on my fresh emotion of hate. ‘I hate Man!!’ I cried out, gathering my courage and strength. I kept hollering out my hate for God’s image, and I yelled out a loud and thunderous battle cry that I hoped would encourage my brothers on my side, for none of them had as strong and as beautiful a voice as I. Even when I began to charge through the center of the field towards my brother Michael, the rest of my brothers on both sides were fallen to their knees praying for the Father’s love to return. Many of my supporting brothers began to slowly rise to their feet when hearing me cry out, but only a few on Michael’s side found the courage to stand. One of my brothers on his side was crawling out towards me as I charged, he was begging for me to ask the Father for forgiveness, and I remember as I approached him, he was on his knees raising his hands out towards me. I called out angrily, ‘you want to serve Man!? Than meet the same fate as your Master will!!’ After I said this I put my hand out before me and slammed my palm into his face, the sensation of the way his nose and mouth felt up against the pressure of my palm and the sentiment of the blood and saliva on my hand, was a feeling of power. Though I cared for my brother I despised his weakness all the more, and I clasped my hand firmly against his face and pulled with all of my might as I ran by him. Many of my brothers gasped in horror as I pulled his head from his body, running with it in my hand, while his blood sprayed and his soul shouted out in grief. His headless body fell prostrate onto the ground, and my dear brother Nathan was first to die.”

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“I threw my brothers’ head towards Michael, being too blind in my hate to feel remorse for what I had just done. Michael caught Nathan’s’ head and looked into his face in shock. As I charged him, ready to do the same as I had before, he quickly placed the head down on the grass before him, and as I was just about to grab hold of him he swung his head to the right and bending his knees he impressively dodged my attack. (When I look back on that moment I am so proud of him, for I know that it took a lot of self-discipline for him to gather his emotions enough to react as swiftly as he had.”)
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“As I ran past Michael, I was just about to stop and spin around, but once I turned my eyes back in his direction I felt a sudden pain, like I had never felt before. Next thing I know I was flying back, knocking over some of my brothers, and feeling their solid heads slamming against mine before I hit hard onto the ground and slid. Once I stopped I lifted my sore body and looked back at Michael. He was charging me with a look of anger on his face, as tears poured down his cheeks. I stood up and moaned in surprise over the new sensations of physical pain.”

“Many of my brothers who lay in front of me were slowly rising, and some of them had blood running down their faces because of the force of my head as I slammed into them. Michael caught sight of this and the feeling of pity and helplessness he had for his wounded must have distracted him from his anger towards me. It’s a good thing too, because my skull was cut open and I was very dizzy at that time, I felt that he certainly would have killed me with another blow to my head. The adrenaline and uncontrollable madness that was flowing in and out of me at that time is what brought me to my feet, and as I wiped blood from my eyes with the back of my right hand I saw that my fellow brothers of rebellion began to charge into Michael’s army, and they were killing. Most of Michael’s side was still in lament and unable to focus without the Father’s presence, and many were slaughtered, and torn to pieces. Still there were those on my side who felt guilt over their brothers’ deaths and they began to mourn, unable fight. Out of the multitudes of us during that battle, only a diminutive portion of us kept combating.”

“I started heading for Michael again, determined to take him down. (I knew that the moral of my rival brothers would be broken if I were to eradicate Michael, so my aim was sure, but my love for my closest brother was still there.) He was placing his hands over the top of one of our wounded brother’s head, (poor Michael looked so incompetent), but he caught sight of me as I slammed my fist against his jaw. I caused him to spit out blood and step back, almost falling. I tried to kick him but he grabbed my foot and then slammed his elbow down on my shin. I growled in pain as I grabbed hold of his hair and head butted him, feeling his nose break against my fore head and hearing the crunch of the bone. He stumbled towards me and laid his bloody face against my chest. I shoved him off of me and he staggered back almost tripping on his own feet. I walked towards him and swung my right fist making contact with his jaw causing him to spew out more blood. Rapidly I kept swinging with my right and then my left, hitting his head side to side, feeling his teeth cutting my knuckles and watching the mess that I was making of his face. I was merciless, and fueled by rage. I stopped swinging and stood there with tight fists at my sides and blood trickling from them onto the ground below me, making small puddles of my brothers blood mingled with my own. My chest was heaving and I blocked out the sound of my brothers around me fighting and shouting. I watched Michael stagger forward and then back, expecting him to fall, he caught his balance though and looked at me with his one good eye that wasn’t too swollen to glare at me. He slowly stepped towards me and I waited, wondering how I would kill him, then when he was close to me he placed his bloody face once again against my chest and embraced me with his shaking arms. I heard him speaking in a weak whisper asking me, ‘Why? Why?’ I didn’t reply to his question, but I did make the mistake of calming down for a moment and seeing the sadness around me. I felt some remorse, but soon my anger prevailed and I grabbed hold of my brothers’ shoulders and shouted in his face, ‘I will not be weak! I will be like the Father! I am a god!’ Something in these words I spoke angered my brother, and I could sense strength growing within him. He unexpectedly brought his hands up behind my back and grabbed hold of my hair, pulling my head back firmly, and then his knee to my groin causing me great pain. I fell to my knees and he grabbed my throat and lifted me into the air. (I was truly caught off guard.) Blood from the wound on my head blinded me again and I heard him say in a calm voice, ‘The Lord rebukes you.’ Then he threw me with immense power and I heard his shoulder dislocate before I was soaring into the air. I felt myself break through some kind of barrier and then the vacuum of space seemed to grab hold of me. I felt myself being sucked away from the sight of my brothers on the field below me. I couldn’t breathe and I felt like all that was within me was being sucked out. That was when the familiar presence of the Father came and I heard his voice saying, ‘Oh my bright and morning star, you have fallen. To the Earth now you will dwell!’ I was then sucked through what could best be illustrated to you as a wormhole, when I came out the other end I felt the Father’s energy pushing me, causing me to plummet through your Milky Way, bringing me down through the atmosphere of your planet until I saw the ground below me, followed by sudden darkness. Michael never fell during our battle, but I fell far and hard.”